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Yoga & Painting


April 6 - 12, 2025


Hotel Panorama 

Via al Lago 6


Amount of people: approx. 13 ppl

Yoga offers the tools to align the body, breath and mind and allows us to tap into the places where our creative energy resides. When our head is clear and our body is relaxed we become receptive to the abundant creativity within.

There’s an incredible high that comes with being in the flow of artistic expression. Whether you’re an amateur photographer, dancer, summer knitter, or weekend woodworker, art-making can give you the feeling of being completely present, awake, and alive. And while yoga is often thought of as a tool to help us find ease in the body, quiet the mind, and get in touch with our true nature, it can also be a way of helping us tap—and mine—our creative selves. Meditation and yoga grant us access to the deep places of our psyche and consciousness that inspire creative ideas to emerge, while simultaneously offering us tools to work with some of our biggest obstacles as artists. No matter what kind of art you call your own, your yoga practice can more fully connect you with your creative mind, body, and soul.

Artistic expression can be deeply fulfilling, but accessing creativity isn’t always easy. Creativity arises naturally in states of stillness and presence, which can be elusive when we are distracted by daily preoccupations and scattered thoughts. This is why yoga is such a gift for the artist. When we practice awareness in asana, pranayama, and meditation, we learn to see—and let go of—the distractions of the mind. It is from this place of clear seeing that inspiration springs forth.

Approaching the experience with a curious mind, you will explore and embrace novel things while broadening your horizon. 

“The universe expresses itself as spontaneous creative energy,” “The task of the yogic artist is mostly just to get out of the way.” Sean Feit


  • Vinyasa, Yin und intuitives Yoga and Breathing Exercises 



  • Nature Inspired Watercolour Painting

  • Mandala Drawing & Painting



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  • Daily Yoga

  • Daily Creative Exercises

  • Connect with body, mind and spirit before we start painting­

  • Talks about creativity and how to access our creative potential ­

  • Guidance in identifying how your curiosity can trigger creativity

  • Dance, play, wonder, observe, explore... ­

  • Learning how to prioritise your own creative fulfilment

  • Short hikes in the area 


  • Materials 

  • Accommodation - Hotel Panorama (single  and double rooms) -

  • Meals 

  • There is also a selection of snacks, herbal teas, different types of milk, coffee and seasonal fruit juices to choose from


Prices do not include airfare and local transportation.

*alcoholic beverages are not included in the retreat price

PLEASE read our FAQ document below for more information.


Save your place paying a deposit of 500 CHF now
and the rest before
March 1st
Pay an EARLY BIRD  price of 1795 CHF (available just before December 31st 2024)
Pay the entire amount of 1870 CHF 
Save your place paying a deposit of 500 CHF now
and the rest before
March 1st
Pay an EARLY BIRD  price of 1996 CHF (available just before December 31st 2024)
Pay the entire amount of 2070 CHF 


After you made the payment please FILL IN THE FORM below so you can let us know your preferences regarding accommodation, food, etc.



Wir laden ein zu einem nährenden und entspannten Retreat, in welchem Tools aus dem Yoga mit dem Erforschen deiner Kreativität (Mandala malen und von der Natur inspirierte Aquarellmalerei) kombiniert werden.


Möchtest du dir 5 Tage Zeit nehmen, ganz für Dich? Deinen Körper und Geist bewusst pflegen und schauen, was beim Malen aus dir herauskommt, mit Interesse für dein Selbst?



  • 9.00 Uhr Meditation und Atemübungen 

  • 9.30 Uhr Vinyasa, Yin und intuitives Yoga

  • 11.00 Uhr Brunch mit anschliessender Pause

  • 14.00 Uhr Mandala und von der Natur inspirierte Aquarellmalerei

  • 18.00 Uhr Abendessen

  • 20.00 Uhr Abendprogramm (in Absprache mit den Teilnehmenden)


Je nach Wetter werden einzelne Programmteile auch im Freien stattfinden, damit wir die frische Natur um uns herum geniessen und auf uns wirken lassen können. 

Fühlst Du Dich angesprochen? Dann freuen wir uns Dich in diesem Retreat zu begrüssen :-)


Ana & Karin

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